System Testing


            We are discussing that testing that the believer has as he moves into the momentum line. We have already noted people testing and its solution: switching to impersonal love; thought testing and its solution related to the three stages of the faith-rest drill with emphasis on stage one. Now we have a third test – system testing. One of the great tragedies of life is system testing. While it is always a tragedy it does not have to be perpetuated into failure.

            Many organizations in this life are rotten to the core – like the judicial system which favours the criminal and tries to make a jackass out of the police officer. Today it is not the citizen and has the rights, it is the criminal.

A bad system has its victims. When the believer is the victim of a bad system (and sooner or later if you stay with the divine dynasphere you will be) you are going to have to pass the system test. You have a boss who is unfair. That is a rotten system. You do a good job but he fires you. You got a rotten deal. What are you going to do? Be bitter? Are you going to get even? Are you going to become vindictive? In such a situation you have the chance to have the greatest power and victory over that rotten deal it is possible to have. If you fail then the tragic flaw destroys your life.

Everyone fails in life. If you don’t fail, how are you going to succeed? No one ever succeeds in life without failure. It is failure that determines your metal, not success. You have to avoid self-pity and bitterness. So what are you going to do when you face a rotten system? There are two answers when you face a rotten system, and if you stay with doctrine long enough you will – someone is going to be unfair; someone is going to give you a rotten deal; someone is going to take you with all of your ability and imply by their modus operandi that you have failed, when it is the system that failed, not you, and you are the victim of the system. That’s life; that’s life in the devil’s world. And it is the type of thing that some people never get over, their lives are coloured by bitterness, resentment or revenge.

There are only two ways to meet the problem of system testing. One is you social life with God. If your social life with God is bad you will never make it. God has to be more important to you than people and, above all, what people think. What do people think when you get fired? They don’t like you; they gloat. But in the last analysis you must remember this: when you fail you don’t have to fail. If you are the victim of a rotten system, if you are undergoing system testing and you have done the best you can in the system, and you are the victim of a rotten system, it should be the making of you, never the breaking of you. You must get the enforced and genuine humility. As you move toward enforced and genuine humility they combine to give you common sense. All common sense originates with enforced and genuine humility. The further you get from enforced and genuine humility and the closer you get to arrogance the more you are divorced from reality so that you have no common sense. Even if you are lacking doctrine in certain areas and you have common sense you can use your volition and make the right decisions that open options for future decisions. But if you are moving into cosmic one, the arrogance complex, you have had it because you destroy future options and all your volition is good for is self-induced misery – anxiety, worry, fear, bitterness, vindictiveness, implacability, resentment, hatred, whining about your raw deal. When that happens you make your own misery from your own volition. So obviously there has to be a way in which you and I as born-again believers can face system testing and keep right on moving.

Social life means inevitably that you care. You care about what other people think about you – at least some. The big problem with system testing is if your friends, your social life, the people you run around with, their opinion is more important than anything else. And if you suddenly become a victim of system testing then you are embarrassed to go around your friends and your social life is ruined; the rapport is gone. That means you are on the way to becoming preoccupied with yourself. When people fail system testing they become preoccupied with themselves. Once you become preoccupied with self you care what your friends think and you avoid them, you avoid social life, you can’t face people, you can’t look them in the eye, and you have destroyed yourself under the principle of tragic flaw.

            There has to be an answer, and the answer goes right back to social life with God. First of all, God cares, and God doesn’t give a damn about the fact that you have been unfairly treated because it is His desire that you be preoccupied with Him – Gate 5 of the divine dynasphere. If you are preoccupied with Him, and if your social life with Him is right, then no failure in life will ever become the basis of you using your own free will to destroy your own life.